Monday 6 April 2015

Getting the Shot: Photographing Yangshuo, China

The new format is here, the new format is here! I know you’re excited. You are aren’t you? I’m stoked. Mostly because this new format is going to be in video and photography form which means I can focus my energy into doing things that I love.
I love being on camera, I love teaching, and I love photography. So why have I taken so long to make the change? Well, because I am always thinking about you guys and girls: the readers. You’ve come because of my photography, but I wonder how many have stuck around since my days as a creative writer? I really didn’t want to alientate that section. But, I think that in the end this is what needs to happen.
Yanshuo, China
Check out the video to see how I got this shot from Yangshuo, China
So, in this new format, I’ll be running a video with each of the articles. The articles themselves will be quite brief. They’ll all be travel photography related and fit into my travel photography youtube channel’s segments as categories. Those categories will be composed of the following.
  • Getting the Shot: In getting the shot, I’m going to take you through the process of getting a certain photo. Basically, from start to finish. From the point where I’m trying to figure out where I want to shoot, to the set up, the post-processing back home. This first article is that sort of post.
  • Travel Photography Critique: I’m hoping to get some willing readers/photographers to put forward their work and let me critique it. If you want to get involved in this, I need you to put 5-10 images in a flickr set and shoot me the link to that set to the email of brendanvanson(at)gmail(dot)com. Please use the subject heading “Photo Critique”. I’ve found that a critique is such a good way to learn, improve, and get some constuctive criticsm at the same time.
  • On Location: This will be a more traditional travel video, I think. Instead of going through all the processes, I’m going to show you a location and where the best places are to photograph, or just where I’m out shooting. It’ll help those of you see some really cool places. It will also give me the chance to create a more formal blog post.
  • Travel Photography Tutorials: I’m going to also run a couple travel photography tutorials. These will be not only tutorials on things like landscape, HDR, and macro photography, but also lightroom and photoshop tutorials. I think you’ll learn a lot through these.
  • Gear Reviews: As the title points out, I’m going to be reviewing a bit of gear. It might be a lens, it might be a camera body, or it could even be an editing program.

The Best Part?

I think, for me, the best part of this all is that I’m still going to be travelling just as hard as ever. I’ll be weaving these segments into the locations that I travel. Thus, I might review the 10-20mm Sigma lens well shooting New York City. Or, I might do an HDR photography tutorial from Beijing. The same travel, just the potential to learn something intertwined. Cool?
Anyways, I’m sorry I’ve blabbed on for 600 words, I’m just really excited about the direction things are about to turn.
The first video of the show is attached below. In the future, the articles will match up with the video. Of course, this, the first of the blog overhaul, needed to explain what the hell is happening.
If you like the videos, and the idea, I’d love for you to subscribe to my channel over there on youtube. I swear I will love you forever without getting too clingy.
Here are some more of the photos I shot in Yangshuo, China:Yanshuo, ChinaYanshuo, ChinaYanshuo, ChinaYanshuo, ChinaYanshuo, ChinaYanshuo, ChinaYanshuo, ChinaYanshuo, ChinaYanshuo, China

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