Wednesday 29 April 2015


Sixteen million tourists fly into Thailand each year, and despite the influx of visitors, this country’s cultural integrity remains relatively intact. From the idyllic islands to the bustling cities, there are 77 provinces housing 63 million people across mountains – so if you’re thinking about visiting, why not clue up on a few of these interesting facts about Thailand:
Thailand was actually known as Siam.
Siamese cats are native to Thailand
It's illegal to leave the house without underwear on in Thailand.
Source: Huffington Post
Thailand is the world's largest exporter of rice
Thailand's coastline is 3219km long.
Thailand is a constitutional monarchy like England

Source: Note: the term “Siamese twins” has now passed out of usage and the preferred term is “conjoined twins”. 
Bangkok, Thailand, once had dozens of canals
Bangkok's real name
Around 90% of Thai people are Buddhist
The word Thailand means 'land of the free'.
Muay Thai boxing is the "art of eight limbs"
Source: Bleacher Report
It's illegal to step on any Thai currency.
The Garuda is the national and royal symbol of Thailand
Thais must always keep their head lower than that of anyone older or more important.
Source: eDiplomat
It's illegal to drive shirtless in Thailand
Thailand was voted fifth friendliest country by RG readers
A Thai woman set the new world record for living with scorpions

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