Monday 5 October 2015

Top Ten Most Unique Lakes in the World

Crater Lake

The water present in this lake is claimed to be the purest water in North America. The lake is situated in the Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. This is also the deepest lake in the United States of America and 10th deepest lake on the earth. The deep blue color of the water makes the lake look beautiful.

9Pitch Lake

pitch lake
This lake is located in Trinidad and is the largest deposit of asphalt in the whole world. It is the lake of tar and is visited by many visitors throughout the year. The center of the lake is called as the “mother”. It is better to stay away from the center of the lake.

8The Caspian Sea


This is the largest lake or the largest inland water body present on the Earth. It is located between Asia and Europe. The surface area of the lake is 394,299 km² (152,240 mi²).

7Lake Karachay

Lake Karachay

Located in Russia, Lake Karachay is considered as the most polluted location on the Earth. Situated in the southern Ural Mountain. The lake is used for dumping the radioactive waste.

6Kelimutu Lake

One of Indonesia’s famous volcanic lake areas.  I did not like Moni !
One of Indonesia’s famous volcanic lake areas. I did not like Moni !
This lake is located on Flores Island, Indonesia. The Kelimutu Volcano houses 3 crater lakes. The lakes are multicolored and look spectacular. If locals are to be believed, these lakes are the resting place of the souls of the dead people.

5Dead Sea

This salt lake is situated between Israel and Jordan. It is the lowest point on the Earth. It is the deepest hypersaline lake present in the world.
The lake is 420 m below the sea level and the shores of this lake are the deepest point on Earth on dry land. The Dead is the favorite amongst the visitors.

4Boiling Lake

This is one of its kind lake. It is located in the Morne Trois Pitons National Park, Dominica. It is a hole in the surface of the Earth which is approx. 10.5 kilometers east of Roseau in Dominica on the Carribean. The lake contains greyish- blue water that is always bubbling. The lake is always covered by a vapor cloud.

3(5-Flower Lake) Amazing Wuhua Hai

(5-Flower Lake) Amazing Wuhua Hai
The lake is situated in the Nature Reserve Jiuzhaigou in China. The colorful lake looks amazingly beautiful. The lake contains clear water, through which the ancient fallen trunks of trees can be clearly seen.

2Leigh Lake

One of the most amazing lakes present in the world, this lake is located Libby, Montana. The lake looks mesmerizing. The water in the lake is crystal clear. The lake is deep, but appears shallow due to the unbelievably clear water.

1Laguna Colorada

A dust devil swirls across Laguna Colorada, the 'red lake'.

Also known as “Red Lagoon,” Laguna Colorada is situated in the southwest of Bolivia, near Chile border. The pigmentations of algae and the red sediments give this lake red color. The lake houses many flamingos.

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