Wednesday 28 October 2015


Peleș Castle - Romani
Peleș Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle in the Carpathian Mountains, near Sinaia, in Prahova CountyRomania
The Cathedral of Curtea de Argeș - Romani
The Cathedral of Curtea de Argeș (early 16th century)

Cotmeana Church - Romani
Cotmeana Church
Inside the Cotana church  - Romani
Inside the Cotana church 

The Snagov Church - Romani
The Snagov Church (Biserica Snagov)
Snagov Monastery, located 40km (25miles) north of Bucharest
Namaiesti monastery - Romani
 Namaiesti monastery - ( in rock ). rock church

Râșnov - Romani
In Râșnov a citadel was built around the year 1215 by the Teutonic Knights and it was mentioned for the first time in 1331. 
The Densuș Church - Romani
The Densuș Church  in the village of Densuș Hunedoara County is one of the oldest Romanian churches still standing.

Timișoara - Romani
Timișoara was first mentioned as a place in either 1212 or 1266. 

Roman Catholic Church - Romani
Roman Catholic Church and the square

Putna Monastery Church - Romani
The Putna Monastery - Church
Ilieni / Illyefalva, a Szekelypeasant fortress in Covasna - Romani
Ilieni / Illyefalva, a Szekelypeasant fortress in Covasna

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