Wednesday 28 October 2015

Castelluccio Valmaggiore

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
Castelluccio Valmaggiore is a town and comune in the province of Foggia in the Apulia region of southeast Italy.

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
It takes its name from the caste built here by the Byzantines around 1000 AD as the fortification commanded the valley of the Celone river.

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
The village lies at 1452 m, making it the highest settlement in the Apennines.

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
It lies above the "Great Plain" (Piano Grande - 1270 m), next to the Monti Sibillini National Park.

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
Rain and meltwater accumulate on the surface of the plain, which is made of largely impermeable sediments.
Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
The greenish ditches drain the water towards openings called Ponors, which are part of the karstic underground drainage system.

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
If the karst drainage is blocked for any reason, water backs up and turns the plain into a temporary lake.

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
The village dates from the 13th century or slightly earlier, but was also settled by the Romans.

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
The fields on the slopes below the village are cultivated; the town is known for its excellent lentils.

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
In springtime the nature of the fields is in lavish color, with red poppies and yellow rapeseed.

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy

Castelluccio Valmaggiore - Italy
The plains grassland is ideal for sheep husbandry. There is a lot of ski- and trekking tourism.

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