Wednesday 28 October 2015


Argentat - France
Argentat is a commune in the Corrèze department in central France.

Argentat - France
Argentat is in the Correze department of the Limousin region, on the upper reaches of the Dordogne River of south-west France. 
Argentat - France
The countryside of the region is characterised by wooded valleys and small unspoiled villages, and of course the river itself which is very attractive and unspoiled

Argentat - France
It is downstream from Argentat that the Dordogne Valley popular with tourists really starts - above the village are various dams and barrages that make water navigation impossible.

Argentat - France
Your best starting point in Argentat is the tourist office, to get a copy of the map of the town showing a recommended route for walking and highlighting the main places to visit.

Argentat - France
Its well preserved and authentic picturesque villages offer many beauty spots and landscapes to tempt you to enjoy the open air.

Argentat - France
Welcome to a paradise of sport and outdoor activities. Here everything just cries out for activities on the land, in water and in the air. Take advantage of your stay to recharge your batteries and have fun. 

Argentat - France
You can plan your holidays to encompass the delights of a correze style life. 

Argentat - France
Depending upon the accommodation you feel like, you'll find a warm welcome, traditional comfort or plenty of fresh air! You can choose from a wide variety of possibilities.

Argentat - France
Medieval houses line the streets that run down to the river in Argentat and are pleasant to explore on foot. Several small chapels and convents are also located in the streets of the town.

Argentat - France
There are some grander medieval houses of note such as the 15th century Manoir de l'Eyrial and the Chateau Neuville.

Argentat - France
The pleasure of exploring Argentat comes as much from the small details that you pass - the ancient stone rooves, the stone cross in the wall on the quais - as the major monuments.

Argentat - France
Continue your walk along the river front, past the old houses and quais, which is also is very attractive - indeed the highlight of the town, as you sit gazing across the river at the pretty houses opposite, enjoying a cool drink and watching the ducks.

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