Saturday 3 October 2015

This Village in Austria is Straight Out Of A Fairytale Book

Located in Austria, Hallstatt is a gorgeous town that looks like it belongs in the pages of a fairytale book. The extremely old village is ripe with history, and remains one of the most photographed destinations around the world. Hallstatt is known for its natural salt mines, but that’s far from all.
Salt mining has largely fueled the Hallstatt economy for many years, but today tourism is a huge component to the thriving town. Read on to find out why so many people travel to Hallstatt, Austria. Plus 7 reasons why you MUST visit this fairytale destination!
1.Explore The Salt Mines
The town has gained such beautiful architecture and design due to riches earned throughtrading salt. While visiting Hallstatt you can take the panorama funicular railway up into the mountains to see the world’s oldest salt mine first hand.
Over 3,000 years ago this underworld mine was dug up by hand, and it includes miles upon miles of tunnels weaving in and out into the rock interior. You can take a tour in order to learn more about the history that unfolded here.
 2. Hallstatt Offers Unparalleled Views
Due to the unique geography of Hallstate, the town is unbelievably beautiful. Come take a journey along the Echerntal trail where scenic views await. The natural landscapes found here have attracted poets, explorers, climbers, photographers, and painters for many years. Just don’t forget your camera!
Even when you’re not on a nature walk there are so many sights to be seen. Simply walking near the market square offers picturesque views of the adorable houses built into the side of the spectacular mountain.
 3. Historical Wonders To Wander Through
The natural resource known as salt has drawn people to settle in Hallstatt for many years. In fact, there is evidence of human settlement at this location as far back as 5500 B.C.
If you love history, the Hallstatt Museum is packed with incredible artifacts dating back thousands of years from the local salt mines and cemeteries. In 1846 a man by the name of Johann Georg Ramsaure uncovered a prehistoric cemetery in the area. As a result, the Catholic Church and local museum have collections of skulls with elaborate decorations including names, date of death, and occupation.

 4. Check Out The Salt-Preserved Mummy 
While you are hanging out in the Alpine village of Hallstatt, be sure and check out the mummified remains of a miner preserved by salt.
5. Enjoy Drooling Over Incredible Architecture 
Salt is an important commodity that brought this region a great deal of wealth throughout history. As a result locals had the funds to construct elaborate architecture, built using attention to detail and lavish materials.
6. Visit The Beinhaus
The space in Hallstatt is so limited that burial plots are not even permanent. Each grave only remains for 10-15 years before being opened back up so that bones can be bleached in the sun. Once properly prepared, bones are then stacked in what is called the Beinhaus. Some skulls are adorned with decorations and a family name. In the 70’s the Catholic Church approved cremation and so this process ceased. Still, if you visit the cemetery today you will notice all occupants have a recent date of death.
 7. Endless Things To Do In Hallstatt
You won’t get bored visiting Hallstatt, that’s for sure! There are endless things to do at this beautiful location. You can visit the salt mines, rent a boat and go out on the pristine waters, rock climb, or visit the local ice caves.

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