Saturday 2 May 2015


Despite being the largest nation in Africa, the top tourist attractions in Sudan doesn’t merit the attention it actually deserves owing to the clashes involved within some regions in the country. Nonetheless, such notion should not hinder tourists in considering Sudan as a nice travel spot. In fact recently, Sudan has been working on uplifting the country’s name so that it may be renowned as one of the leading tourist attractions in Africa. If you happen to travel in this place, take note that the northeast region in the country holds the most favorable and safe place to explore Sudan.
Suakin, Sudan, ruins of egypt national bank
Suakin, Sudan, ruins of egypt national bank
The National Museum set in Khartoum is one of the top tourist attractions in Sudan. It houses an immense anthology of ancient artefacts and al frescos coming from the prehistoric kingdom of Cush originating from several eras of Sudan’s rich history and heritage. Buhen and SemnaEgyptian sanctuaries are also stunning prehistoric architectural infrastructures to see since the temples are both nestled in the garden of the museum which was preserved after it was flooded by Lake Nasser.
Suakin Island is another must-see place in Sudan. It is located around 60 km to the south of Sudan’s harbour and was formerly the heart of the country’s trade and industry in the 19thcentury. The island’s extraordinary structural design is created out of corals however, despite numerous attempts in preserving the building; it is still in danger of destruction due to the weak foundation of the building’s base.
Karima, a market located in the northern part of the country is amongst the top tourist attractions in Sudan. This town is an abode to many archaic places near the town which are attention-grabbers. Around two kilometres to the south of town, the Jebel Barkal hill can be found which is recognized as holy by the Egyptians of the 18th century era. From its peak, it offers a picturesque sight of the Nile. At the base of the hill, the Temple of Amun is situated which only ranks second in length compared to the popular Temple of Karnak. Primarily the temple was bordered by six smaller shrines, and the vestiges of these along with the monuments and hieroglyphics completely sum up as to why this place is noteworthy to visit. Also nestled west of the temple Jebel Barkal Pyramids can be found which are comparable to the Meroe design.
El-Fasher town overall completes the list of top tourist attractions in Sudan. From this town the ancient sultan’s palace can be seen and is presently transformed into a museum. El-Fasher is also well known as the commencing area of the most significant camel convoy tracks in Africa which is also famous as the Forty Days Road. The road has played an important part in contributing to the boost of the trade and industry in Sudan with products distributed from the entire regions of Africa to the Egyptian markets of Aswan and Asyut.

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