Sunday 5 April 2015


Lupins in New Zealand
For about 4-5 weeks at the end of each year, the center of New Zealand’s South Island bursts into color — purples and pinks and blues and yellows sprout up along lake sides and in riverbeds in Mackenzie Country, making the already-stunning views even more incredible.
Lupins in Wanaka
Lupins along the Ahuriri River in New Zealand
Lupins at Lake Tekapo
The story goes that the wife of a local farmer decided the drab center of New Zealand’s South Island could use some color. So for years she secretly spread lupin seeds along the roadways and riverbeds each spring — some more embellished versions of the story have her doing so while riding naked on the back of a white stallion.
I’m not sure if ANY of that story is true (the naked-on-a-white-stallion part definitely isn’t), but there’s no denying that the Russell lupins DO add a pop of color to countryside that is otherwise a bit colorless.
The funny part? The Russell lupin is actually considered an invasive species by New Zealand’s Department of Conservation.
Talk about a pretty weed!
Lupins in Wanaka, New Zealand
Lupins at Lake Tekapo
This was my fourth trip to New Zealand, but my first one during lupin season. So of COURSE I had to go lupin-spotting! My friend Liz and I made it our mission to get some unique shots (or, at least some really pretty ones), driving from Wanaka to Mount Cook and back on the lookout for lupins.
I think we definitely succeeded.
Lupins at Lake Tekapo
Lupins along the Ahuriri River in New Zealand
Lupins at Lake Tekapo
Lupins in New Zealand
Here are some tips for lupin-hunting in New Zealand, should you like to follow in our footsteps:

Get the timing right

The lupins technically bloom from spring to summer (September-February) in New Zealand, however “peak” lupin season in Mackenzie Country is usually from mid-November until just after Christmas. The lupins at Lake Tekapo are best in late November, while the flowers hit full bloom a little later the further south you go.
Lupins along the Ahuriri River in New Zealand
Lupins along the Ahuriri River in New Zealand

Know where to look

Telling you to go to “Mackenzie Country” is really quite vague, I realize. Some of the best places to look for lupins include:
  • Around Lake Tekapo***
  • All along the Ahuriri River from the Lindis Pass to Omarama***
  • Around Lake Wanaka (though some of the best fields are on private land)***
  • The Crown Range Road between Wanaka and Queenstown (lots of yellow ones here)
  • Burkes Pass
  • Around lakes Pukaki and Dunstan (and perhaps Hawea, too)
  • Near Twizel
***All of my photos were from these areas.
NZ lupin map
Ahuriri River lupins
Lupins at Lake Tekapo

Be safe about it

Please, please, PLEASE, be careful when you’re lupin-spotting. There are often beautiful patches of them along the side of the road, but DON’T just stop in the middle of the road to snap a photo. New Zealand’s roads are often narrow and twisty, and you should ONLY pull over when it’s safe (preferably in designated pull-off spots).
There are TONS of lupins growing along the Ahuriri River near Omarama, but there are also DOC-provided pull-outs and parking/camping areas — use these instead of the side of the road!
Lupins in Wanaka, New Zealand
Lupins at Lake Tekapo

Even though they are technically a weed, part of me secretly hopes they aren’t ever able to completely eradicate the lupins in New Zealand. Because, damn, do they make for some awesome views!

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