Sunday 26 April 2015

10 Most Dangerous Countries

We’ll be leaving for a cross continent road trip through 15 countries from England to Mongolia next week during the Festival of Slow. Many people have expressed concerns about the countries that we’ll be driving through. Sure, we’ll be facing corruption and bandits and some places will feel like the Wild West of years gone by, but there are more dangerous places in the world.
So to put our families fears at ease, we thought we’d share this post that came across our inbox of the 10 Most Dangerous Countries as seen by the people at Quickbeds in Australia. At least we’re not going to these places… But then again, we’ve been to one on this list, The Sudan and can attest that it isn’t the big bad dangerous place that people think it is. It was actually one of the most amazing countries we have ever visited. Let us know if you agree or disagree with some of the countries named below.
World’s 10 Most Dangerous Countries
Travelling is one thing that many people all over the world love to do. Louis Armstrong sang a song titled, “What a Wonderful World.” Although he is correct that this is an amazing world in which we live in, all parts of the globe are not necessarily safe to visit. In fact, there are some places that are quite dangerous. Drugs, murder and terrorism are all signs of the perilous world today. Crime is also rampant all across the globe. People from all over the world love to travel; however, you need to think twice before visiting these hostile destinations. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
1.      Afghanistan
Afghanistan is a country at war. There are landmines dispersed throughout the region, and bombings are a regular affair in the country. Military operations continue to occur in Afghanistan, and there is an array of political unrest in the area. Even with the death of Bin Laden, Al Qaeda still operates in some parts of the country. Afghanistan remains an unpredictable and unstable environment.
2.      IraqSaddam may be gone, but the threat is still real. There are terrorist’s organizations and militia groups that place bombs in markets and beside the roads. Sometimes these groups take hostages and kill them. Ironically, the presence of military troops from other countries has made Iraq even more dangerous. Many Iraqis have a lot of anger towards outsiders. Therefore, foreigners could be in grave danger when they visit Iraq.
Image from Wikipedia Commons
3.      Somalia
The country of Somalia seems to be in chaos because there is no government. The country has become a home for warlords, pirates, kidnappers, Islamist insurgents and angry young people. Tensions from surrounding borders are trickling into Somalia, and the seas around the country are invested with pirates. Somalia also is suffering from drought, war, famine and high food prices.
4.      Pakistan
Militants operate freely along the Pakistani border. Pakistan also consists of massive bombings that kill hundreds of people. Violence in the country is out of control, and there are many kidnappings every day in the area. The Afghan border probably the most dangerous places to be in the country.
pakistan border from india
Dave and Deb at the Pakistan Border in India with no fear
5.      Democratic Republic of Congo
This country is afflicted with lawlessness and conflict. There are armed militias, military and policemen who pose threats to people in the region. The military is guilty of corrupt behaviour and abuse, often attacking women. Illegal armed militia groups operate in the area, often using brutal violence, such as rape, on their targets. Law enforcement officials are non-existent, and justice is nowhere to be found in the country.
6.      Sudan
Lack of control and banditry are not uncommon in Sudan. The country poses a risk of terrorism, violent crime, or getting trapped in crossfire of the genocide or militia attacks. There are religious extremist in the area that could be drastically against your presence just because of your religion or nationality.
Sudan people and cyclist
Just some of the many kind people we met cycling through the Sudan
7.      Yemen
Al Qaeda is in existence in Yemen, as it is considered to be the home of some of Bin Laden’s most loyal supporters. In addition to Al Qaeda, Houthi rebels in the north keep this nation in constant unrest.
8.      Russian Caucasus
The Russian Caucasus continues to be in a state of unrest. People every day are being killed by bombs are gunman. Empires often meet and clash in the Caucasus, and the Russians are very unsympathetic to many countries in the Caucasus. There are still many hostilities left after the collapse of the Soviet Union, so the Russian Caucasus still remains a treacherous and unpredictable place.
russian caucasus
9.      Guinea
Criminal gangs are known to be active in Guinea, and police presence is almost non-existent in the area. There seems to be constant fighting in the region that started in Liberia more than a decade ago. The area is also considered to be suffering with an overwhelming amount of AIDS cases, and the people live in poverty.
10.     Nigeria
Nigeria has been the source of periodic episodes of violence for decades. There are many Christian and Muslim disputes that plague the area. The country has been torn apart by wars, violence and ethnic conflict, making the area very unstable.
So when it comes time to plan your next holiday, we suggest you avoid the above, unless of course it’s necessary to travel there, or you really are an extreme adrenaline junkie! Consider somewhere safer such as Australia. Head to one of the beautifulGold Coast hotels and take in some beach and sunshine. Alternatively you could head to the Western Australian city of Perth, where cheapPerth hotels are aplenty and you’ll find yourself surrounded by friendly locals and wonderful attractions!

Clearly most of these countries listed are common sense. Don’t go to a country that is in the middle of a war. That’s normally a good rule of thumb. As we said above we have been to the Sudan and didn’t feel threatened in any way. We also visited the Pakistan border when we were in India and the people on the other side were friendly and welcoming. We would happily visit Pakistan and plan to in the near future. 

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