Sunday 4 October 2015

Worlds Most Majestic Rivers

1. Río Futaleufú, Chile And Argentina1.-Rio-F
The Río Futaleufú river is perhaps one of the most majestic rivers when it comes to colour. The river, which runs through Chile and Argentina, is fed by glacial run off water which gives it an unparalleled aqua blue colour. The bright water colour is a direct comparison to the rocky grey hills and lush green forests which the Río Futaleufú, ever adding to the beauty. Despite the river being incredibly cold, it’s a popular lure for kayakers and whitewater rafters alike.

2. Yangtze River, China2
The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia which winds through a striking array of barren rocky slopes, mountains, forests and breathtaking countryside. While the Yangtze River looks beautiful from any angle, it’s best viewed by boat as when you cruise down its waters you’ll be able to lay eyes on some of the most rural and isolated settlements in China, some of which are near inaccessible by any way other than boat.

3. The Amazon, South America3
The Amazon river begins in Brazil before making its way through Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela before letting out into the Atlantic Ocean. This grand river is 2.7 million square miles in volume, 4,000 miles long and 202 miles wide at it’s mouth, making it the largest, longest and widest river in the world. It weaves through some incredible parts of South America meaning you could stand on its banks at most any point and see nothing but beauty before you.

4. Caño Cristales, South America4
Beginning up in the Andean foothills of the Amazon rainforest, Columbia, Caño Cristales is literally the ‘river that ran away from paradise’. It’s often regarded as the most beautiful river in the world, however this tittle can only be claimed seasonally when for a brief time it comes alive which colourful bottom-feeding algae. From late October to early November each year and when the later level is just right, vibrant patches of greens, blues, yellows, red and oranges brighten the water, making the Caño Cristales river look nothing short of a rainbow.

5. Zambezi, Africa5
The Zambezi river is the forth longest river in Africa which runs a total of 2,200 miles from the northwest of Zambia through Angola, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique before it finally merges into the Indian Ocean. As well as being beautiful in it’s own right, the Zambezi river is also home the one of the largest and arguably the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, Victoria Falls. The waterfalls grand height and width produces such a great crash when it pours over the mountainside it is known locals as ‘the smoke that thunders’, something which adds ever more beauty to this majestic river.

6. Danube River, Europe6
Second to the Volga, the Danube River is one of the longest rivers in Europe and stretches a grand 1,770 miles. It runs through nine European countries and some of the most beautiful cities in the world before finally emptying into the Black Sea. As the river was once vital for settlement purposes, along its banks you’ll find plenty of castles and fortresses which once lined the borders of many great empires.

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