Saturday 3 October 2015

World’s Most Glorious Spots to Watch a Sunset

Taj Mahal, India


tajmahal sunset

The Taj Mahal, built as a tribute to the emperor’s dead wife, is especially enchanting at sunset, when its glistens on the surface of the reflecting pool. Under the right conditions, a pinkish haze hangs over the gardens and buildings, creating an incredibly romantic scene.

Isle of Skye, Scotland

isle of skye sunset

The Quiraing, a strangely shaped landslip on Trotternish Ridge, is a favorite spot among photographers and all types of travelers as one of the most magnificent sights in the world. The light tends to bounce off the crags and crevices, and, as the sun sets, the light show becomes even more captivating.

Maasai Mara, Kenya, Africa

sunset kenya

Sunset on a safari is something that should be experienced at least once in everyone’s lifetime, and the Masai Mara nature reserve in Kenya is one of the most magical places to enjoy it. The sun’s rays begin to cool as it sinks beneath the horizon, immersing the land and wildlife in brilliant orange light.

Florida Keys, Florida

lorida keys

From Key West to Islamorada, the Florida Keys are renowned for some of the most spectacular sunsets on the planet.

Pfeiffer Beach, California

pfeiffer beach sunst

Pfeiffer Beach is not only home to one of the world’s rare purple sand beaches, it also has a large rock that sits just beyond the crashing waves. The unique rock has a large opening at the bottom where the sun shines through just before it drops behind the horizon.

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