Monday 5 October 2015

Top 10 Hottest Countries in the World


This country present in Central America is placed on the 10th position in this list. Due to the several Hollywood films, we perceive Mexico as a dangerous and dry place. And it is sad to see that it is actually the same in reality. Sometimes, on a summer day, the average temperature can rise very high as 50 degree centigrade in Mexico.
There are several dry grasslands in the region. Because of its temperate climate and refreshing beaches, many Mexican cities are among the best holiday destinations during summer in the world.


somalia hottest weather

This country located in Africa has regular hot temperatures throughout the year. It may not come among the safest countries but it definitely has managed to be one among the hottest countries of the world. Located in Africa’s Wretched horn area, the north-eastern part of Africa, Somalia experiences very less rainfall in the entire year.
The temperature goes up to 50 degrees. People living in this country are on a tremendous stage of starvation as because of lack of water and irrigation food growth is not possible. This country keeps on bearing major famines and droughts.


india weather

In the Indian Subcontinent, the Great Himalayas in the northern region and north-eastern parts of India do not prevent the hot air from the Indian Ocean to rise the normal average temperature. India experiences a mean temperature of 50 degrees during the summer months in some western, southern and central regions of the country.
So the hot temperatures during the summers are temporary. But some of the coastal parts of India such as Kerala, Goa and many more are quite hot a tourist destination in the winter season.


sudan_hot weater

We generally presume the countries in African continent to be dry grasslands or deserts as we watch in the movies. Sudan is located in Africa’s northern region. As it is a desert-land, Sudan is one of the driest and hottest countries in the world with a mean temperature of 52 degree Celsius. The prime problem of Desertification persists in the country. And because of the continuous rise in the temperatures there are many severe famines and droughts taking place which puts the human, plant and animal life in danger. This country receives nearly no rainfall.


The Arab State, Oman, is famed to be one among the richest countries of the world, but did you know about its position in the hottest countries of the world? No, you didn’t. For nearly 5-6 months in a year, Oman’s temperature is around 50 to 53 degree Celsius. Being a rich nation, several facilities have been given to the people residing in the country to fight against such severe heat.
For an instance, the bus stops, trains, the buses, etc are all completely air-conditioned. It experiences little rainfall but even this little rainfall is restricted to the Oman’s mountainous areas like the Dhofar Mountains.


iran hot weater

Various countries have an equally balanced climate with the cold winters and hot summers. Iran is one of them. Situated in the Middle-East, the northern region of Iran, occupied by the mountains is usually cool where mostly the temperature does not rise above 29 degress even in summers. But the country’s southern region is severely hot.
Here, the temperatures exceed to 50 degrees whereas the general temperature on a day in summer is 40 to 45 degree Celsius. The country is completely arid and dry and henceforth, the people living here face many troubles during the summers.



African countries and Hot countries are more or less the same thing. Algeria present in the North Africa is no exception to this. Because of the deserts in the country, the temperature can remain high all year-round. In some of the parts of the country, there are snow-peaked mountains but mostly, deserts dominate the place.
The mean temperature is about 50 to 53 degrees with the highest temperature being noted in the Salah region. The coastal regions experience rainfall but the central areas are really dry.


The war-striken country, Iraq has to face much more troubles apart from war. And one the main and biggest problems the experience is the heat. The countries in the Middle- East seldom face summers with temperatures as high as 48-54 degrees. The normal temperature along most times of the year remains also above 40 degree Celsius.
Similar to Iran, this country has a northern mountains too where even snowfalls take place in winters. But the rest of the country has to face the harsh summers.

2Saudi Arabia
saudi arabia

Extensive Deserts and stretched out rich lifestyles, this country is same as the others. Being one of the richest and hottest countries of the world, the Monarch of the country takes care that the citizens face no troubles and are facilitated with comfortable arrangements to fight the temperature. Extremely high temperatures have been observed in Saudi Arabia and in the summers, the mean temperature may rise to 54 degrees.


Libya is the hottest country in the world. Libya experiences such high temperatures that the humans living here are affected by some skin diseases or blisters. This country holds the record for the highest temperature ever. In 1922, 57.8 degree Celsius was the highest temperature recorded in Libya. At such an extreme temperature, you cannot function easily. Most of the land in the country is covered by the Libyan Desert which is arid and dry.

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