Sunday 4 October 2015


Prague – I had heard a lot about its beauty before visiting, but it is really another thing altogether to see it for yourself.
When we arrived in Prague we took the short walk from the hotel to the famed Charles Bridge and it did not disappoint. I remember the late afternoon light and how the resulting glow it left on the buildings made the stroll across the bridge simply magic. I had not anticipated how cold it was going to be – after all it was meant to be Spring. I knew it was going to be cold, but not THAT cold. We stayed around till the sun set and climbed the stairs to the Old Town Bridge Tower for an unforgettable view of Charles Bridge and the amazing Prague Castle and St Vitus Cathedral across the Vlata river of Prague. It was worth the painful fingers and toes caused by the freezing temperature!
We spent the next few days exploring the Old Town and the Jewish Quarters. We also spent a day in the lesser quarters (otherwise known as Mala Strana) that housed the Prague Castle and the jaw drop inducing St Vitus Cathedral. The streets and architecture of Prague took my breath away. Unfortunately it rained a lot of the time we were there so we were not out and about as much as I would have liked – but when we could, we were out there – taking photos of a place that needs to be seen for itself .

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