Tuesday 6 October 2015

Most Beautiful Canyons in the World

Canyons can be regarded as one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. The word Canyon is generally used in the United States of America. But Europeans commonly use the term Gorge to refer canyons. Naturally canyons are formed due to fast moving rivers. Most of them were formed by a process of long-time erosion from a plateau level. But the harder rocks, those are resistant to erosion form the cliffs. And of course the weathering remain exposed on the valley walls.
There are beautiful canyons in almost every countries in this world. But the remarkable one’s are of common interest for people. As canyons do offer some of the most dramatic landscapes on earth. The sheer size and hidden beauty beneath the ground attracts millions of people every year.

10. Taroko Gorge

Top 10 Most Beautiful Canyons in the World, Taroko Gorge
Taroko Gorge 
Taroko Gorge is a 19 kilometer long canyon of Taiwan, situated near the rocky east coast. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions of the Island. There are great number of different hiking trails for the visitors. You can also see the breathtaking scenery of spectacular cliffs and white-water rapids in this 10th of the most beautiful canyons in the world.

09. Copper Canyon

Top 10 Most Beautiful Canyons in the World, Copper Canyon
Copper Canyon
There are several networks of canyons in Copper Canyon. Accumulating all these canyons together it is quite many times larger than the Grand Canyon (the top one in our list of top 10 most beautiful canyons in the world). There is a very famous way of visiting the amazing canyon. A ride on the “Chihuahua al Pacifico” railway will take you over 37 bridges and through 86 tunnels. While above 2,400 meter high from the sea level, you will definitely get whole spectacular view of the canyon below.

08. Colca Canyon

Top 10 Most Beautiful Canyons in the World, Colca Canyon
Colca Canyon 
I think many of you have already heard about the great Colca River in Andes Mountain range in southern peru. The 8th of our most beautiful canyons here is also named as Coca canyon. Again if we try to compare this one with our reference grand canyon, then surely it is more than twice as deep as the well-known one. But the difference is the canyon walls, which are less steep in comparison. Visitors can enjoy the Andean condors as well as the unbelievable sights from the beautiful canyon. The condors are amazingly seen at fairly close range, floating on the rising thermals.

07. Samaria Gorge

Top 10 Most Beautiful Canyons in the World, Samaria Gorge
Samaria Gorge 
The 16 kilometer long SamariĆ” Gorge is the greener one in this list of top 10 most beautiful canyons in the world. The canyon is located on the southwest Crete. Because of the amazing green surface, the total area is extremely popular for walking. Every year more than a quarter million people do so in this place.
It will take almost four to seven hours to pass through forests of ancient cypresses and pines. Then you will be guided to cut deep between vertical cliffs through the mountains to emerge at Agia Roumeli on the Libyan sea. Here at this point of your amazing journey you can choose either to sail the nearby village of Hora Sfakion.

06. Waimea Canyon

Top 10 Most Beautiful Canyons in the World, Waimea Canyon
Waimea Canyo
Waimea Canyon is located on the western side of Kauai. Undoubtedly it is the largest canyon in the Pacific. But the prolific characteristics of this most beautiful canyon is its colorful nature. Thousands of years ago there were rivers those flowed from Mount Waialeale. While flowing at the center of the Island, they created these curves 1100 meter deep. The canyon is 16 kilometer in length and 1.6 kilometer in width.

05. Antelope Canyon

Top 10 Most Beautiful Canyons in the World, Antelope Canyon
Antelope Canyon 
The Antelope Canyon is one of the most beautiful canyons in the world. With its graceful curves in the rock and glowing orange and purple colors, it is probably the most-photographed sandstone slot on earth. There are two most important photogenic canyons here namely – Upper and lower Antelope.
These canyons here are so narrow in places that you can easily stretch out your arms and touch both sides. But remember there are dangerous areas in the canyon. In 1997 a flash flood swept into Lower Antelope and killed 11 tourists that time.

04. Gorge du Verdon

Top 10 Most Beautiful Canyons in the World, Gorge du Verdon
Gorge du Verdon 
The Gorge du Verdon is my favorite one in this list of top 0 most beautiful canyons of the world. This is actually a river canyon in south-eastern France, which is considered by many to be Europe’s most beautiful Canyon. It is about 25 kilometers in length and rises a spectacular 700 meters from the Verdon River.
The starling emerald color is the canyons most beautiful feature. Even the river is also named after this feature. Walkers and climbers are very much fond of this great canyon. The place is also well-known for water sports like – kayaking, rafting, water skiing and sailing.

03. Tiger Leaping Gorge

Top 10 Most Beautiful Canyons in the World, Tiger Leaping Gorge
Tiger Leaping Gorge 
Tiger Leaping Gorge is located on the Yangtze River in southwestern China. The canyon is about 15 kilometer long and it passes through a series of rapids surrounded by mountains. Both sides sharply rise around 3 kilometer above the river. Imagine what great beauty can lie there in this deepest canyon in the world. The narrowest point in this Canyon is just 30 meter wide.

02. Fish River Canyon

Top 10 Most Beautiful Canyons in the World, Fish River Canyon
Fish River Canyon
The Fish River Canyon is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Namibia. The second most beautiful Canyon is absolutely magnificent and breathtaking in its immensity. There is a 160 kilometer gigantic ravine in the canyon which is up to 27 km wide. Some of the places here is around 550 meters deep. As the Fish River was damned long before, it only contains a small amount of running water through the canyon.

01. Grand Canyon

Top 10 Most Beautiful Canyons in the World, Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon 
Here comes the actual grand one. The Grand Canyon is located in northern Arizona and undoubtedly this is one of the great travel places in United States of America. Carved over several million years by the Colorado River, it attains a depth of over 1.6 kilometer and 446 km long.
Anyway, it’s not the deepest or even the longest canyon in the world. But the overwhelming size and intricate colorful landscape offers visitor spectacular vistas. You cannot just deny this unmatched beauty throw-out the world.

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