Saturday 3 October 2015

Maple Hunting In Saitama: Nagatoro

Located along the Arakawa river in the mountains of the Chichibu area in Saitama Prefecture, is the town of Nagatoro, a picturesque nature paradise that flaunts its assets throughout the year. During spring, the whole town becomes one big pink fairy tale with a total of more than 3,000 cherry blossom trees, while new green leafs create an amazing contrast with the Arakawa river in summer.

A river engulfed in floral flames
In autumn, the Arakawa river will be engulfed in floral flames. Magnificent golden and crimson leafs can be enjoyed while going down the river by a traditional Japanese boat. Together with these autumn leafs, the river’s azure surface and rough cliffs and rocks along the way make for an enchanting ride through Japan’s mesmerizing nature.
The Tsukinoishi Momiji Park, or Moon Stone Maple Park, is another popular maple tree spot. While fresh verdure can be enjoyed during spring, the crimson leafs during autumn are without a doubt the biggest charm here.
月の石もみじ公園(昼)How about a romantic late-evening stroll when the maple trees are lit-up?

Location: Nagatoromachi, Chichibu-gun, Saitama
Access: 1 hour and 40 minutes from Ikebukuro by Seibu Ikebukuro Line and Chichibu Railway

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