Monday 24 August 2015

Amazing Volcanoes:

Mount Bromo

Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in the World, Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo 
Located in East Java, Gunung Bromo is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif. The volcano is not the highest peak of the massif at 2,329 meters (7,641 feet), but it is the most well known. The top of the volcano has been blown off and white sulphurous smoke is constantly belched by the crater inside the volcano.
The Laut Pasir (Sea of Sand) of fine volcanic sand surrounds the volcano. Combined with the lush green valleys around the Tengger massif, the overall effect is unsettlingly unearthly. The area is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Java.


Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in the World, Krakatoa
Situated between Java and Sumatra, the Krakatoa (Gunung Krakatau) is a volcanic island. The mount Krakatoa erupted in August 26-27 in 1883. It was among the most violent volcanic events in modern and recorded history. The power of the eruption was equivalent to 200 megatons of TNT, which is about 13,000 times the nuclear yield of the atomic bomb that devastated Hiroshima.
The sound of the catastrophic explosion was distinctly heard as far away as Perth in Western Australia, about 1,930 miles (3,110 km) away. Eruptions caused smaller Anak Krakatau (“Child of Krakatoa”) to rise from the sea in 1927. The emerging volcanic island continues to grow at an average rate of 7 meters per year. In 2008 April, the latest eruption of Anak began and continues today.

Arenal Volcano

Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in the World, Arenal Volcano
Arenal Volcano ;
The most active volcano of Costa Rica, Volcán Arenal is located 90 km (56 miles) north-west of San José. Rising 1,657 meters above sea level the Arenal volcano overlooks Lake Arenal. Geologically it is considered as a young volcano and the age is estimated to be less than 3,000 years. Arenal had an eruption in 1968 and destroyed the small town of Tabacón. Three more craters were created on the western flanks due to the eruption. But only one of them still exists today.

Mount Etna

Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in the World, Mount Etna
Mount Etna 
The second largest active volcano in Europe, Mount Etna is Located on the east coast of Sicily. Currently standing 3,329 meters (10,922 ft) high, Mount Etna is 21 meter (69 ft) lower now than it was in 1981. The fertile volcanic soils of the mountain support extensive agriculture, with vineyards and orchards spread across the lower slopes of the mountain and the broad Plain of Catania to the south. We consider it at number seven in our list of top 10 most amazing volcanoes in the world.

 Osorno Volcano

Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in the World, Osorno Volcano
Osorno Volcano 
Located in the Los Lagos Region of Chile, the Volcán Osorno is a 2,652 m (8,701 feet) tall conical stratovolcano. Standing on the southeastern shore of Lake Llanquihue, the volcano towers overTodos los Santos Lake. Osorno is noted for its similar appearance to Mount Fuji. It is known worldwide as a symbol of the local landscape.
With 11 historical eruptions recorded between 1575 and 1869 the Osorno is considered as one of the most active volcanoes of the southern Chilean Andes. During these eruptions the lava flow reached both Llanquihue and Todos los Santos Lakes.

Mount Vesuvius

Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in the World, Mount Vesuvius
Mount Vesuvius 
The height of the main cone of the Mount Vesuvius has been constantly changed by eruptions but presently is 1,281 m (4,202 ft). It is best known for its eruption in AD 79 that led to the destruction of the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum and the death of 10,000 to 25,000 people. Since then it has erupted many times. Mount Vesuvius is regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world because of the population of 3,000,000 people living nearby.


Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in the World, Kilauea
Among the series of volcanoes that have created the Hawaiian Archipelago, the Kilauea is the most recent. The volcano is different in profile from the high, sharply sloping peaks of stratovolcanoes. It is a very low, flat shield volcano and it is one of the most amazing volcanoes on the Earth. Kilauea is an invaluable resource for volcanologists. Since 1952, thirty-three eruptions have taken place which does not include the current eruption that started on January 3, 1983 and is still ongoing.

Mount Fuji

Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in the World, Mount Fuji
Mount Fuji
At 3,776 meters (12,388 ft), Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. The exceptionally symmetrical cone of the volcano is a well-known symbol of Japan. Mount Fuji is frequently depicted in art and photographs and also visited by sightseers and climbers. With the last recorded eruption in 1708, it is currently classified as active with a low risk of eruption.
Every year about 200,000 people climb Mount Fuji, 30% of who are foreigners. The mountain is a popular tourist attraction as well as one of the most amazing volcanoes in the world. It will take between three and eight hours to ascent the mountain while the descent can take from two to five hours.

 Mayon Volcano

Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in the World, Mayon Volcano
Mayon Volcano 
Mayon Volcano is famous for its perfectly conical shape. It is renowned as “Perfect Cone”. Capped by a small summit crater, the upper slopes of this amazing volcano are steep averaging 35-40 degrees. Layers of lava and other volcanic material occupy its sides. Having erupted over 49 times in the past 400 years, the Mayon volcano is the most active of the active volcanoes in the Philippines. On February 1, 1814, the most destructive eruption of Mayon occurred. The eruption bombards the nearby towns with volcanic rocks, killing 2,200 locals.

Mount Kilimanjaro

Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in the World, Mount Kilimanjaro
Mount Kilimanjaro
Located in north-eastern Tanzania, near the border with Kenya, the Mount Kilimanjaro is currently an inactive stratovolcano. The world’s highest free-standing mountain, Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest peak at 5,892 meters (19,331 feet) above sea level. Because of its relatively easy ascent and being the highest free-standing mountain of the world, Kilimanjaro has become a major destination for mountaineers and trekkers from around the world.
Although it is positioned close to the equator, Mount Kilimanjaro is famous as Africa’s snow-capped mountain looming over the plains of the savannah. However, in recent year the top of the mountain has seen a retreat of the most recent covering of glaciers. Undoubtedly, Mount Kilimanjaro is the most amazing volcano on earth.

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