Saturday 29 August 2015

Balos Beach, Greece

Balos Beach is an absolute gem located in eastern Crete  (Greece). There used to be pirates in these shallow and beautiful warm waters and for two good reasons, First it is absolutely gorgeous and second – it is pretty well hid and hard to reach. The Balos Beach is also reefed to as the Balos lagoon (the sandy-way to the islet forms a cape in the middle of the lagoon, this cape is named “Cape Tigani” ( translated from Greek as “frying pan”).  Getting down to the beach takes some time and a trip down a mountain road (no need for 4X4). don’t take the ferry get to the beach early since when the ferry’s start bringing people it can get crowded.
Balos Beach
Balos Beach
Balos Beach
Balos, Greece
Balos Beach, Greece

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