Thursday 2 July 2015

Trips from Budapest

Hungary, while not one of Europe's largest countries, certainly boasts one of the continent's highest densities of historic sites and attractions, as well as stunningly beautiful scenery. Given the location of Budapest - close to the very center of the country on the banks of the River Danube, the capital is the perfect place from which to venture out and explore. Across the country, countless cities, towns and villages have preserved their historic roots, reflecting a tremendous variety of influences from the Romans to the Ottoman Empire. And all of them are worth visiting, whether for the day or, if a little further afield, as part of an overnight stay in a variety of unique accommodation options.

1 Eger's Baroque Heritage

Eger's Baroque Heritage
Eger's Baroque Heritage
The town of Eger, 140 km east of Budapest on the southern slopes of the Bükk Mountains, is one of the most beautiful small towns in Europe, boasting 17 Baroque churches, a thermal baths and a Turkish minaret. A must-see is the lovely Eger Basilica, a stunning cathedral built in 1837 in classical style with twin towers. Entry is via a portico with a wide flight of steps and great views. Another highlight is the Baroque Lyceum with its 53 m tall tower and revolving dome with fine views.
Be sure to explore the narrow lanes of the Old Town where there's a large central market place and the impressive church of St Anthony, built in 1773. Finally, no sightseeing visit would be complete without seeing the medieval Castle of Eger. Built in the 11th century, it was expanded and sacked numerous times over the ages and, along with the Dobó Castle Museum, remains a popular tourist attraction.
Eger Map - Tourist AttractionsEger Map - Attractions

2 Nagytétény Castle and the Museum of Applied Arts

Nagytétény Castle and the Museum of Applied Arts
Nagytétény Castle and the Museum of Applied Arts Leonora Enking
Nagytétény, the most southerly district of Budapest and just a few minutes away via car or public transit, is located on the Buda side of the Danube in a largely agricultural region once favored by the Romans. A highlight of a visit is the lovely old Baroque Nagytétény Castle. Built in the 18th century on the remains of a 15th-century palace, it was rebuilt after WWII and now houses theFurniture Museum of Budapest's Museum of Applied Arts. Of interest are fine German and Hungarian furniture from the 15th to 19th centuries, along with a collection of stoves, artwork, china, and Roman artifacts.
Hours: Tues-Sun, 10am-6pm
Admission: Adults, 3,500 HUF; Children, 1,750 HUF; Families, 7,000 HUF
Address: H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 33-37

3 The Hungarian Open Air Museum

The Hungarian Open Air Museum
The Hungarian Open Air Museum
An excursion to the Hungarian Open Air Museum, just 23 km from Budapest, is highly recommended. The site faithfully recreates the rural architecture and lifestyle of ten different 18th-century Hungarian settlements. Buildings typical of the region are all scattered about the gently rolling landscape and linked by pathways. It's an extremely pleasurable way to pass the best part of a day, as in addition to the quaint houses you'll be able to enjoy various working quarters, mills, stables, barns, a forge, a weaver's workshop, and a village church.
Hours: Tues-Sun, 9am-5pm
Admission: Adults, 1,800 HUF; Children (6-18), 500 HUF
Address: 2000 Szentendre, Sztaravodai út

4 Aggtelek National Park and the Baradla Cave

Aggtelek National Park and the Baradla Cave
Aggtelek National Park and the Baradla Cave
Covering nearly 200 sq km, much of it protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Aggtelek National Park sits astride the Slovak-Hungarian border some 2.5 hours by car from Budapest. In addition to unique flora and fauna, the park is famous for an excellent network of marked paths attracting walkers from across Europe. The chief attraction here, however, is the Baradla Cave. Over 25 km long and extending into Slovakia, it's one of the largest and most impressive stalactite caves anywhere in Europe. The main tunnel stretches 7 km, with several wide passages formed over thousands of years as rain and melting snow penetrated cracks in the limestone. The water dripping through the chalk has carved bizarre shapes, with stalactites like giant icicles hanging from the roof and stalagmites in all colors of the rainbow towering up from the floor. A variety of cave tours are available.
Hours: Daily, 8am-7pm
Address: Aggtelek National Park Directorate, H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal. 1

5 Pécs and its Picturesque Precincts

Pécs and its Picturesque Precincts
Pécs and its Picturesque Precincts
Pécs, a small town just a 2-hour drive south of Budapest, is a popular tourist destination due to its mild climate and location on the slopes of the Mecsek Mountains. It also boasts a large number of first-rate historical buildings, ranging from Early Christian burial chambers to Turkish mosques, medieval buildings and contemporary art galleries. The most popular destinations in the fortified Old Town are the Cathedral Precincts surrounding the lovely Cathedral of St. Peter. Built between the 11th and 12th centuries with many later alterations, the church also served as a mosque during the Turkish occupation. Below the cathedral square and in the courtyards of the old houses are graves dating from the 3rd and 4th century, the most important surviving examples of Early Christian culture in Hungary. Be sure to explore Szénchenyi tér, a lovely medieval market place in the heart of the Old Town.
Pecs Map - Tourist AttractionsPecs Map - Attractions

6 Szentendre's Slavic Influences

Szentendre's Slavic Influences
Szentendre's Slavic Influences
This small town on the hilly right bank of the Danube 20 km north of Budapest is one of the most popular getaways for people from the capital. Highlights include Blagovescenska Church, a Serbian Orthodox place of worship built in 1752. The doorway is a focal point with its Baroque curved balcony, and a fresco above the side entrance depicting the Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena with the cross of Christ. Visitors can also admire Fo tér, the main square, with its Merchants' Cross built following a plague, and the lovely old Church Square with architectural influences from the Catholic Croats from Dalmatia who settled around the church.
Szentendre Map - Tourist AttractionsSzentendre Map - Attractions
Szentendre Town Centre Map - Tourist AttractionsSzentendre Town Centre Map

7 Gyor's Vienna Gate Square

Gyor's Vienna Gate Square
Gyor's Vienna Gate Square
Gyor, 123 km west of Budapest, sits at the confluence of the Mosoni-Duna (Danube), Rába and Rábca rivers, in the middle of the Little Hungarian Plain. The Old Town, with Cathedral Chapter Hill and the Royal Town, is one of the most beautiful Renaissance and Baroque townscapes to be found anywhere in Hungary and includes 170 listed buildings and monuments. The town's most famous feature is its Vienna Gate Square, a lovely Baroque square surrounded by well-preserved 17th and 18th-century homes, as well as the impressive Carmelite Church.
Other highlights include the Bishop's Castle with its museum and 14th century tower and later residence of Bishop Kálmán (his coat-of-arms still adorns its front). Other must-sees: the 11thcentury Cathedral of the Virgin Mary; the 8-meter Ark of the Covenant Monument built at the request of Emperor Charles III and depicting two angels holding the Ark of the Covenant; the famous Iron Cockerel atop the bank of the Mosoni Danube, the town's emblem; and Széchenyi tér, the 17th-century Hungarian Old People's Home still in use today.

8 Esterházy-castle Fertőd

Esterházy-castle Fertőd
Esterházy-castle Fertőd
Fertőd, 180 km west of Budapest near the borders with Austria and Slovakia, is where you'll find Eszterházy Palace, the largest and most beautiful mansion in Hungary. Often called the "Hungarian Versailles", this Rococo residence was built between 1760 and 1767 and doesn't fail to impress with its magnificent wrought-iron gate and courtyard fountains, as well as its splendid two-story side wings linked to the main building dominated by the central tower. A highlight is the spectacular view from the garden balcony overlooking the estate's remaining parkland (simply breathtaking) as well as the Chinese Salon, the Green Salon and the Maria Theresia Chamber, all equipped with fine Rococo furniture and fireplaces. One of the estate's most famous guests was composer Joseph Haydn, who spent much time here as a court musician for Eszterházy family.
Hours: Tues-Sun, 10am-6pm
Admission: Adults, 2,500 HUF; Children, 1,500 HUF; Families, 4,000 HUF
Address: 9431 Fertőd, Joseph Haydn út 2, Hungary

9 Székesfehérvár's Royal Basilica

Székesfehérvár Pieter De Praetere
Few towns are as closely linked with the beginnings of the Hungarian monarchy asSzékesfehérvár, which also possesses the former sepulchral and coronation church of the Hungarian kings. Situated between the foothills of the Bakony Forest and the Velencei Mountains and just 45 minutes southwest of Budapest, Székesfehérvár has a well-preserved inner town. Highlights of a visit include Városház tér and the Bishop's Palace, the Town Halland Hiemer House, all built between the late 17th and 18th century. Another must-see is the Romanesque Royal Basilica, a triple-naved church with a semicircular apse founded by King Stephan in the 11th century and rebuilt several times since.
Royal Basilica - Floor plan mapRoyal Basilica Map

10 The Castle of Diósgyor

The Castle of Diósgyor
The Castle of Diósgyor
It's believed the invading Magyars erected the first fortress on the site of the present Diósgyor Castle near Miskolc, 180 km northeast of Budapest. Built in 1340 and modeled on the castles found in southern Italy, it's flanked by four towers and protected by an outer ring of fortifications. Although largely ruins, the outer foundations have been uncovered, and parts of the inner fortifications reconstructed, and visitors can now see the size of the great Knights' Hall in the north wing and the castle chapel in the east wing. Three of the four corner towers have been reconstructed, and in the southwest tower, the Late Gothic vaulting of the corner room has been rebuilt. Some of the stone-masonry and other castle finds are on display in the castle museum in the northeast bastion. Open-air events are held in the castle courtyard during the summer months.
Address: 3534 Miskolc, Vár St 24, Hungary

11 Historic Castle Hill - Esztergom

Historic Castle Hill - Esztergom
Historic Castle Hill - Esztergom
Esztergom is one of the oldest towns in Hungary and lies about 60 km northwest of Budapest where the Danube breaks through the Hungarian Central Uplands. It's an area that's easily accessible from the capital either by car or public transit, and is well worth the effort. Highlights of the town's historic Castle Hill area adjacent to the Danube include the ruins of the 10th-century Hungarian Royal Palace, the imposing Cathedral with its entrance marked by two tall towers and several Corinthian Columns, and the adjacent Christian Museum with its collection of works of Hungarian Italian Renaissance artists. If visiting Esztergom by car, be sure to venture into the Pilis Mountains. Located in the loop formed by the Danube Bend, this chain of mountains, an official nature reserve, is well known for its caves and fossils. Add to the mix its mountain slopes covered mainly in forests of beech and oak with steep and picturesque chalk cliffs, and it's a popular area to explore on foot.

12 Vác

Vác, situated on the left bank of the Danube Bend 34 km north of Budapest, has retained the charm of an attractive small Baroque town. Great views of the town's silhouette with its characteristic church towers can be had from Danube Island, accessible from Vác by car ferry. The town's historic center stretches primarily between the eastern bank of the Danube between Konstantin tér, dominated by the huge Cathedral of Mary's Ascension and St. Michael, andMárcius 15 tér (March 15th Square) to the north, lined by fine old merchant homes. The road from Budapest crosses the twin-arched 18th-century bridge with its fine statues and spans the Gombás River. Other highlights easily explored on foot are the Piarist Church of St. Anna, which dominates Holy Trinity Square. This splendid church, completed in 1745 is easily recognizable by its narrow towers and pointed spires. Other highlights include King Géza Square with the Baroque triple-naved Franciscan church built using stone from the medieval cathedral and theBishops' Palace.
Vac Map - Tourist AttractionsVac Map - Attractions

13 Hortobágy National Park and the Puszta

Hortobágy National Park and the Puszta
Hortobágy National Park and the Puszta
Between the Tisza River and the eastern Hungarian town of Debrecen stretches the Hortobágy, or Puszta, a lowland prairie of grass-covered steppes and pasture famous for its cattle, sheep and horses. Much of the area has been preserved in the Hortobágy National Park, an area of 690 sq km, in order to safeguard its varied fauna and flora and to preserve the traditional farming methods employed here since the 14th century. As a result, it's the perfect place for a driving tour and to explore the area's many small villages and towns. It's also very popular amongst birdwatchers, traveling from afar just to see migrant birds such as various species of heron, spoonbills, white geese, reed-warblers, waders, rare black storks, falcons and eagles. A variety of domesticated animals are also unique to the area, including the Hungarian Steppe cattle, long-horned sheep, the nonius horse and the komondor and puli dogs so beloved by the shepherds.

14 The Medieval Reformed Church of Nyírbátor

The Medieval Reformed Church of Nyírbátor
The Medieval Reformed Church of Nyírbátor Miklós
In the Middle Ages, this rural town 260 km east of Budapest on the Romanian border belonged to the Báthori family - princes from Transylvania who become great feudal lords. As a result, Nyírbátor boasts two magnificent medieval churches of which St. George's Church, now the Reformed Church, is one of the major late Gothic Hungarian edifices. The Báthori coat-of-arms can still be seen above the west door, with a projecting tower at the side, while the main Renaissance-style door is on the south side. Inside, the eye is immediately drawn to the filigree reticular vaulting. The tomb in the choir is that of the writer István Báthori, who died in 1605, and the founder of the church is interred under a marble gravestone in the crypt.

15 Pannonhalma Archabbey

Pannonhalma Archabbey
Pannonhalma Archabbey
Visitors travel to Pannonhalma largely to see the famous Abbey of St. Martin, the focal point of the Benedictine order in Hungary. Monks still live here, and since 1997, the monastery, together with the Lady Chapel, the Calvary and the surrounding cultural region, has been on the list of World Cultural Heritage Sites. This huge complex sits on a high point of land known as St. Martin's Mount and can trace its roots as far back as the 10th century. It's also a very popular destination for cultural programming, including jazz festivals and organ recitals. For those looking for a fascinating place to stay, accommodation packages are available.
Hours: Tues-Sun, 9am-5pm
Admission: Adults, 2,000 HUF; Children, 1,000 HUF; Families, 4,000 HUF
Address: 9090 Pannonhalma, Vár 1, Hungary
Official site:

16 The Savaria Museum in Szombathely

The Savaria Museum in Szombathely
The Savaria Museum in Szombathely
Szombathely, about 220 km from Budapest on the eastern edge of the Alps, is home to the excellent Savaria Museum with its outstanding collection of Roman antiquities. The lapidarium in the basement is of particular note and contains statues and mosaics from Savaria as well as ornaments from the church in Ják. On the upper floor are extensive exhibitions of archaeology and the natural history of the Szombathely region. Afterwards, be sure to explore the area around the Iseum, a reconstruction of the ancient Roman temple that once existed in the city.
Address: Kisfaludy Sándor utca 9, Szombathely, Vas 9700, Hungary

17 Koszeg and the Church of St. James

Koszeg and the Church of St. James
Koszeg and the Church of St. James
The most important historical building in Koszeg, 220 km west of Budapest, is the Church of St. James, built in Late Gothic style in 1407 using the remains of a Romanesque Minorite church. The front and furnishings were redesigned in Baroque fashion in 1758, while the tower is 15th century. The interior of the triple-aisled edifice is Gothic, and the keystone of the groin vault in front of the choir bears the arms of the founder, Miklós Garai. Along the south side of the choir are niche-seats with pointed arches, and a Gothic Madonna and Infant Jesus above the tabernacle date from around 1500. Also Gothic are the wall paintings on the end wall of the south side-aisle depicting the Magi, an outsize St. Christopher and a protective Madonna. The heart of the Old Town, the well-proportioned Jurisics Square containing the Town Hall, two churches and medieval town houses with characteristic enclosed gables, is also worth a visit.

18 Nádasdy Castle and Museum, Sárvár

Nádasdy Castle and Museum, Sárvár
Nádasdy Castle and Museum, Sárvár János Korom Dr.
Built on the site of a 12th century fortress, Nádasdy Castle - named after the wealthy family that owned it for centuries - was designed in a pentagonal Renaissance style. Located in Sárvár some 200 km west of Budapest, its Renaissance tower has been preserved in its original style of 1598, and inside there's an impressive palatial room with stucco-framed frescoes decorating its walls. The ceiling paintings portray the Nádasdys as commanders in the Turkish wars, and on the walls are scenes from the Old Testament. The allegorical paintings in the tower room offer a continuation of the frescos from the palatial room. Also of interest is the Ferenc Nádasdy Museum devoted to the history of the family, regional folk art and the town's history.

19 Castle Quarter, Veszprém

Veszprém Attila Nóbik
The walled castle quarter of Veszprém, 120 km west of Budapest - known as Várnegyed by locals - includes a number of historic sites worth visiting. One highlight is the Neo-RomanesqueHeroes' Gate, erected in 1936 on the site of the former medieval gate, and home to a small museum chronicling the history of Várnegyed. Another highlight is Gisela Chapel. Built in 1230, it served as a private chapel to the bishop as well as the queens who resided here, and its small interior contains fine cross-ribbed vaulting with original paintings and notable keystones. On the north wall, original frescos were exposed during its restoration depicting six apostles and ghostly floating figures suggesting Byzantine influence. Another highlight is St. Michael's Cathedral, built on the foundations of a bishop's church founded by King Stephen and first documented in 1001.

20 St. George's Church, Ják

The village of Ják, 230 km west of Budapest, is a treat for those interested in art and church architecture. One of Hungary's outstanding Romanesque churches, the impressive St. George's Church has a history dating back to the early 1200s, and although extensively restored in the late 19th century, elements of the past can still be seen. Opposite the west front of the church, on a quartered ground plan, stands the small, two-story St. James' Chapel built in 1260. The rounded decorations on the double-windows of the upper floor complement the motifs on the windows of the abbey church, and the relief on the tympanum above the south door depicts the Lamb of God between two Dragons. The interior furnishings of the chapel are Rococo, and the mid-18th century altar is also of note.

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