Thursday 2 July 2015

Tourist Attractions in the Mosel Valley

The beautiful River Mosel is, at 545 kilometers, one of the longest of the Rhine's tributaries, and forms the natural frontier between Germany and Luxembourg. The section of the river between Perl and Trier is known as the Upper Mosel (Obermosel), the section from Trier to Bullay the Middle Mosel (Mittelmosel), and the section from Bullay to Koblenz as the Lower Mosel (Untermosel). The most beautiful stretch of the Mosel Valley is between Trier and the junction with the Rhine at Koblenz. After passing through the wide Trier basin, it makes its way in innumerable bends through the Rhenish Uplands to enter the Rhine Valley at Koblenz. The ever-changing landscape, particularly between Bernkastel-Kues and Cochem, is marked by a succession of old castles on the slopes of the valley and in side valleys and by a string of lovely little towns and villages.

1 Trier: A City of Roman Influences

Trier: A City of Roman Influences
Trier: A City of Roman Influences
There was already an ancient settlement in Trier when the Romans arrived more than 2,000 years ago; in fact, archaeological evidence suggests this beautiful location has been settled for around 16,000 years. In the heart of the most picturesque stretch of the Mosel Valley, Trier has numerous well-preserved Roman attractions worth exploring, the most famous of which is the spectacular fortified gate of Porta Nigra, a UNESCO World Heritage site built in the 2nd century. Another must-see Roman site is Aula Palatina (Konstantin-Basilika). Built in the time of Emperor Constantine and fully restored (it's now a church), the building's most impressive feature is Constantine's Throne Room, the world's largest hall from antiquity and home to frequent concerts and events. Also of interest are the Roman Imperial Baths, the largest in Europe and with many surviving original features, including the large hot water bath and the huge boilers needed to heat it. Also be sure to visit the Archeological Museum (Rheinisches Landesmuseum), noted for its fine Roman mosaics and the world's largest hoard of Roman gold coins.

2 Koblenz: Where the Mosel Meets the Rhine

Koblenz: Where the Mosel Meets the Rhine
Koblenz: Where the Mosel Meets the Rhine
Koblenz has the distinction of straddling two of Europe's most impressive rivers: the mighty Rhine and the majestic Mosel. This beautiful old city is one of the best places to begin exploring the lovely Mosel Valley, whether as a base from which to set out on day trips, or as the first of many stops as you follow this wonderfully windy river upstream by boat, car, or bicycle. A must-see attraction is the German Corner, or Deutsches Eck, the point of land in Koblenz that separates the Rhine and Mosel rivers. This spectacular site offers not only superb views of the city and the two rivers, it's also home to the 37-meter-tall Monument to Emperor Wilhelm I. Also of interest is the Alte Burg, an old 12th-century castle on the banks of the Mosel that now houses the city's Municipal Archives and Library.

3 Elegant Eltz Castle

Elegant Eltz Castle
Elegant Eltz Castle
About 36 kilometers southwest of Koblenz in the small town of Wierschem, Eltz Castle (Burg Eltz) is perched high above the Mosel and is accessible from either Trier or Koblenz. This splendid medieval castle - still owned by the family whose ancestors built it in the 12th century and one of only two such castles in the area to have survived war and destruction - offers visitors a chance to view a range of medieval architecture up close, along with 800-year-old furnishings, rare gold and silver artifacts, and ancient weaponry. (English language tours are available, and two great restaurants and a shop are located on-site.) Afterwards, be sure to explore the surrounding Eltz Forest, a nature reserve that's crisscrossed by many well-maintained walking trails and serves as home to rare flora and fauna.
Address: Castellans, 56294 Wierschem
Official site:

4 A River Runs Through It: Bernkastel-Kues

German church near Bernkastel-Kues
German church near Bernkastel-Kues
Bernkastel-Kues has so much to offer the curious visitor that it's easy to spend hours exploring this quaint old town. The best place to start is in Bernkastel's pretty Marktplatz on the river's right bank where, along with numerous quaint shops and cafés, you'll find the early 17th-century Town Hall and the old pillory where criminals were punished. A few minutes walk away, on the banks of the Mosel, stands the Early Gothic St. Michael's Church, the area's only unaltered 14th-century structure, and boasting a rich décor and furnishings. It's also famous for its stunning altar depicting the devastation of the 17th century plague that killed so many townsfolk. Afterwards, cross the bridge over the Mosel to Kues where even more old buildings await, including St. Nicholas's Hospital, founded by the cardinal and philosopher Nicolaus Cusanus in the 15th century (his heart is buried in the Gothic chapel). In the library, you'll find a fascinating collection of his astronomical instruments and apparatus, including the world's oldest celestial sphere.
Address: Gestade 6, 54470 Bernkastel-Kues

5 Reichsburg Cochem

Reichsburg Cochem
Reichsburg Cochem
Cochem, with its old castle looming high above, is considered one of the most attractive towns in the Mosel Valley. Highlights of a walking tour around the old part of town include St. Martin's Church, constructed in the 15th century and rebuilt in 1736. And be sure to spend time in the quaint old Marketplace (Marktplatz) where you'll find the majestic old Town Hall built in 1739, as well as a number of historic old heritage homes. The big draw, however, is Reichsburg Cochem, a massive hilltop imperial castle - the largest in the Mosel Valley - that once guarded this stretch of the river. Built in 1020 and later destroyed by the French in 1689, much of the castle was restored in the 19th century in the Neo-Gothic architectural style. Guided tours and events, as well as fun themed tours are also available, and an on-site restaurant offers themed meal packages for kids.
Address: Schlossstraße 36, 56812 Cochem

6 Village Life: Alken and Kobern-Gondorf

Village Life: Alken and Kobern-Gondorf
Village Life: Alken and Kobern-Gondorf
The Mosel Valley is famous for the many quaint villages that cling to its riverbanks. One of the prettiest is the village of Alken, a tiny community boasting a number of charming old houses and the remains of the old medieval walls that once protected them. High above the village is Burg Thurant, built around 1200 and much altered in later years. Another quaint village to visit isKobern-Gondorf (really two old villages joined as one). Home to the beautiful Early Gothic chapel of St. Matthias dating from 1235, it also has four castles to explore, two of which date from the 13th century. Perhaps the most interesting of these is Wasserschloss, the only castle in Germany to have a road running through it. Also of interest is the nearby Ehrenburg, one of the most spectacular ruined castles in the Mosel area.

7 The Churches of Treis-Karden

The Churches of Treis-Karden
The Churches of Treis-Karden
The picturesque little town of Treis-Karden, another of many twinned communities in the Rhine Valley, is famous for its bridge over the Mosel. The Treis side of town has a lovely Late Gothic church, while Karden is notable for the triple-towered 12th-century Church of St. Castor; highlights are its Romanesque cloister and chapter house with its interesting museum. Also worth a visit is the village of Hatzenport, home to a beautifully situated Late Gothic parish church with fine 15th-century stained glass windows. A side trip to nearby Münstermaifeld, just five kilometers northwest of Hatzenport, is time well spent and includes a chance to view the 10th-century Stiftskirche of Saints Martin and Severus.

8 Zell and the Zeller Hamm

Zell and the Zeller Hamm
Zell and the Zeller Hamm
One of the best places from which to photograph the beautiful Mosel Valley is from the top of the Marienburg, a tall hill that offers wonderful views of one of the river's most spectacular loops, the 12-kilometer Zeller Hamm (look for the ruins of the old monastery, destroyed in 1806, for the very best views). Afterwards, make the descent down to Zell, a popular tourist destination at the south end of the far bank of Zeller Hamm. Zell is another of those picture-perfect Mosel Valley towns and has numerous historic sites, including old town walls, lovely St. Peter's Church built in 1792, and an old castle built in 1542 for the Electors of Trier.

9 Traben-Trarbach and the Middle Mosel Museum

Ruins of Grevenburg Castle
Ruins of Grevenburg Castle
Straddling the Mosel River halfway along the Mosel Valley is the quaint little town of Traben-Trarbach, famous for its many old half-timbered buildings and handsome aristocratic homes. One of the most important of these old mansions is the 18th-century Baroque Böcking House, once visited by the likes of Goethe and the Prussian kings and now home to the Middle Mosel Museum. Much of the building's old furnishings and décor have been preserved and are incorporated into the museum's displays spread across more than 20 rooms. Notable features include a collection of paintings by local artists including Ernst Willen Spies, archaeological artifacts from the Roman and Franconian eras, and a model of Grevenburg Castle.
Address: Casinostrasse 2, 56841 Traben-Trarbach

10 Piesport and Neumagen-Dhron: The Archaeological Loop

Piesport and Neumagen-Dhron: The Archaeological Loop
Piesport and Neumagen-Dhron: The Archaeological Loop
Like its counterpart, the mighty Rhine, the Mosel was of vital importance to the vast Roman Empire, and much evidence of their having conquered the region can still be seen throughout the Mosel Valley. One of the best examples of the area's Roman heritage can be found in the town of Piesport, across the river from Bernkastel-Kues. Here you'll find the largest surviving Roman grape press (while visiting, be sure to check out the Rococo church of St. Michael with its spectacular painted ceilings), while in neighboring Neumagen-Dhron, just four kilometers away, a cast of the famous carving of a Roman ship that was excavated here is well worth visiting (the original is on display at the Landesmuseum in Trier). The towns of Piesport and Neumagen can be easily reached from either Trier or Koblenz and are often included on tours of the area's famous archeological loop.

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