Thursday 28 May 2015

Top Things to Do and See in Hawaii

Top Things to Do and See in Hawaii
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Already counting days and cannot wait for a vacation? Still don’t know where to go? Consider Hawaii – the top holiday destination! White sandy beaches, crystal clear water, pleasant climate – everything is here. Besides there are plenty of other attractions and activities – check them out in this list.
10. Honokohau Falls
The impressive waterfall is found in the West Maui Mountains. With a 335 m (1100 ft) plunge it is the tallest one in Maui. However, it is inaccessible for the hikers. The best way to admire this impressive natural wonder is from a helicopter.
Why to go there?
Amazing views of Honokohau and other sites on a helicopter tour.
How to get there?
By helicopter – contact Hawaiian helicopter tour operators.
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Honokohau-Photo by Royce Bair
Photo by Royce Bair
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Honokohau-Photo by Joe Carini
Photo by Joe Carini

9. The Haiku Stairs

Found on the Island of Oahu, 3922 stairs are also deservedly known as the Stairway to Heaven. Although closed for repair, the adventurers manage to circumvent the security guard and climb the stairs regardless to admire the spectacular views.
When to go there?
During a bright time of a day.
How to get there?
Drive to Haiku Village and find a place to park. From there you will have to walk to the entrance.
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Stairs-Photo by Mark Payton
Photo by Mark Payton
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Stairs-Photo by Myk Salonga
Photo by Myk Salonga

8. Punaluʻu Beach

The beach deserves a separate introduction, due to its unique black sand. Found on the Big Island, the coloration is a result of a volcanic activity. It is also a place where endangered Green Sea turtles bask and can often be spotted here.
Why to go there?
You can camp, have a picnic, watch turtles and bathe on the beach.
How to get there?
From Hawaii Belt Road take Ninole road or head towards the Sea Mountain Resort.
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Panalu-Photo by Evan Gearing
Photo by Evan Gearing
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Panalu-Photo by Michael Paravano
Photo by Michael Paravano

7. Queen’s Bath

A naturally formed dam is a pleasing attraction, which provides an exhilarating swim. In summer the bath is filled with warm clear water. The waterfall adjacent to the Queen’s Bath rinses off salty water – perfect natural resort!
When to go there?
In Summer.
How to get there?
The natural pool is found on Kauai island. Drive Highway 56 to the parking lot. Queen’s Bath is only 10 minutes walk from there.

Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Bath-Photo by Monica & Michael Sweet
Photo by Monica & Michael Sweet
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Bath-Photo by Laura Hopejpg
Photo by Laura Hopejpg

6. Get Married

Hawaii is probably the most favorite and popular spot to get married. Rock stars, Hollywood actors and other couples exchange rings during a romantic ceremony on the beach, hill, lavender field, on a private island or even on a boat.
When to do that?
All year round.
How to do that?
Arrange your wedding by applying for a marriage license first.
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Wedding-Photo by Keani Andrade
Photo by Keani Andrade
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Wedding-Photo by James Rubio
Photo by James Rubio

5. See the Volcanoes

Since Hawaii is of a volcanic origin, there are plenty of active volcanoes. Mauna Loa is the largest subaerial volcano in the world, while Kīlauea is the most active of the five volcanoes that form Hawaii. Real adventurers get as close as possible to snap a picture of an eruption.
Why to go there?
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is the most popular tourist attraction in Hawaii.
When to go there?
Anytime. Kīlauea is constantly forming lava lakes and then erupting.

Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Volcano-Photo by Alain Barbezat
Photo by Alain Barbezat
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Volcano-Photo by Miles Morgan
Photo by Miles Morgan

4. Hiking and Climbing in Kauai

The island is the oldest of the group and has some fascinating views. Sprawled mountainous range is lush and offers the most exciting hiking trails, that are suitable for both – beginners as well as professionals.
Why to go there?
Incredible views, a lot of various hiking sites.
How to get there?
By plane from other islands. Rent a car once on Kauai.
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Kauai-Photo by James Johns
Photo by James Johns
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Kauai-Photo by Lazy Desperados
Photo by Lazy Desperados
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Kauai-Photo by Nerijus Lostinhdr

3. Diving and Whale Watching

Turtles, mantas, colorful fish, reefs – the marine diversity is really impressive. Shark cage diving is the favorite activity among the adrenaline lovers. Whale watching is the rarest and most unique opportunity to see these gentle giants.
Why to go there?
Rich marine life, many diving sites.
When to go there?
All year round. For the whales go there from December to June.
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Dive-Photo by Sean Munding
Photo by Sean Munding
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Dive-Photo by Vitaliy Sokol
Photo by Vitaliy Sokol
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Dive-Photo by Vitaliy Sokol2
Photo by Vitaliy Sokol
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Dive-Photo by Pasha Reshikov
Photo by Pasha Reshikov

2. Beaches

The main reason people come here – the soft sandy beaches and crystal clear water. Ke’e Beach on Kauai, for instance, has a reef, therefore it is perfect for snorkeling. Hanalei Bay is loved by the surfers. An underwater labyrinth made of lava tubes is found on the Tunnels Beach and offers an unforgettable diving experience.
Why to go there?
Perfect vacation destination, weather is beach friendly all year round.
How to get there?
The beach is always near wherever in Hawaii.
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Beaches-Photo by Getty Images
Photo by Getty Images
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Beaches-Photo by Monica & Michael Sweet
Photo by Monica & Michael Sweet
29 Stunning Views in Hawaii
Photo by photofool

1. Surfing

The sport was adopted by the Native Hawaiians hundreds of years ago. The various beaches offer surfing opportunities for the beginners as well as professionals. The experienced instructors will help the beginners during a 1-2 hour lesson.
Why to go there?
One of the best surfing destinations in the world.
When to go there?
All year round. To watch some of the best surfing competitions in the world go there in November and December.
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Surf-Photo by Mike Tittel
Photo by Mike Tittel
Top Things to See and Do in Hawaii-Surf-Photo by Peter Sterling

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