Tuesday 29 September 2015

Attractions and Places to see in the High Tatras and Region

1. Popradské pleso mountain lake

Popradské pleso (1494  meters ASL) is located in picturesque surroundings of the Mengusovská dolina valley. This beautiful lake attracts attention of many hikers, skiers and bikers. A symbolic cemetery of the High Tatras victims can be found in the vinicity of the lake. Hiking access from the Štrbské Pleso lake along Tatranská magistrála path is possible too.

2. Štrbské pleso mountain lake

Štrbské pleso (1346 meters ASL) mountain lake is the most famous and the most visited lake in the High Tatras. This around 155 days per year ice covered lake is surrounded by dense forest and high mountains. The tower of ski jump and some old hotels belong to this place too. Štrbské pleso is a unique starting place for fitness walking and climbing ascents on the beautifull mountain High Tatras.

3. The Castle Spišský hrad (Spiš Castle)

The Castle was founded in the 12th century on the site of earlier Slavic castle. The partly reconstructed castle is the greatest Central Europe castle ruin and together with the Church at Žehra tourist attraction today (UNESCO protected area). The reconstructed sections of the castle serve to the Spiš Museum which presents here its exhibitions.

4. Zelené pleso Mountain lake 

Zelené pleso (1550 meters ASL) is located in picturesque surroundings of the Dolina Kežmarskej Bielej vody valley (TANAP protected area). This beautiful lake attracts attention of many hikers, skiers and bikers. The visitors of this place can observe unique flora and fauna of the High Tatras mountains. First written reference of hiking tour to this lake is dated 1565 (Beata Koscielecka – Laska from the Kežmarok Castle)

5. Skalnaté pleso mountain lake

Skalnaté pleso (1751 meters ASL) is located under southern slopes of the Lomnický štít Peak.  The Observatory and ski area are well known here. It is possible to take a lift to the Lomnický štít Peak or to the Lomnické sedlo saddle – both with a wonderful panoramic view.

6. Poprad – Spišská Sobota

The oldest written reference to this municipal part of the Poprad town dates 1256. The square in Spišská Sobota is decorated with houses built in the Renaissance period. The St. George´s Church belongs to the oldest and significant sights: its Late Gothic wing altars as well as the main altar from the workshop of Master Pavol from Levoča are well known. The entire urban part has been proclaimed the urban conservation area.

7. Kežmarok –  Protestant wooden articular church

In the 13th century joined in this region a community of Saxons, a Slovak fishing village, a Hungarian border post and a Carpathian German settlement. Kežmarok received in 1269 its town charter. In the Gothic Castle built in 14th – 15th century is museum today. The old town has been 1950 duly proclaimed an urban conservation area. The wooden church has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2008.

8. The St. James´s Church and the Town Hall in Levoča

The oldest written reference to the town dates 1249, in 1317 Levoča received the status of a royal town. On the town square are located three major monuments: the 14th century Renaissance Church of St. James with a Gothic carved and painted wooden altar (largest in the world) created by master Paul around 1520, the Old Town Hall (15th – 17th century, now a museum), and the Lutheran church (1837).
St. James-Church-and-Levoča-old-town-hall

9. Kriváň peak, the most beautiful peak in Slovakia 

The Kriváň peak (2494 meters ASL) is considered the symbol of the Slovak national pride. In the 19th century were organised pilgrimages of Slovak patriots and enthusiasts to the top of Kriváň, for example 1841 Ľudovít Štúr. This tradition is revived in the 21th century again. The most comfortable way to reach the top of Kriváň starts at the point called Tri studničky/ Podbánske following the green-marked path, other longer way following the blue- marked path starts on Štrbské pleso. The reward for rather demanding ascent – suitable for sportmen and health men only – is a wonderful panoramic view.

10. The Strážky chateau, National Cultural Monument

The manor house Strážky is a part of the Spišská Belá town. The manor was rebuilt 1584 in Renaissance style on foundations of Gothic castle. Reconstructed manor serves to the Slovak National Gallery, which presents here its exhibitions – historical furniture and interior complements inclusive pictures, one of them the exhibition called “Ladislav Mednyanský and Strážky” An English park enhaces the charm of this place.

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