Tuesday 29 September 2015

Allegiant starts g4pilots.com website for the ongoing pilot negotiations

Allegiant Air (Allegiant Travel Company) (Las Vegas) has issued this statement and letter to its employees:
Allegiant Travel Company (ALGT) today (September 29) launched a new website, g4pilots.com to provide up-to-date information about ongoing negotiations with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), the union representing the company’s pilots. The site provides information about the progress of the negotiations, background on Allegiant’s operations and answers to frequently asked questions for pilots, employees and the public. The site will be continuously updated by the Company with developments in the negotiation process. Additionally, the site offers a pay calculator function, allowing pilots and others to determine future pilot pay rates if Allegiant’s current proposal is accepted by the IBT.
Meanwhile the COO issued this employee letter to the pilots:
Allegiant logo-3
To Allegiant Pilots:
Upon the conclusion of last week’s negotiating session, I would like to update you on the progress that we are making in order to reach a contract agreement for you with Local 1224.
Over the past several months, Allegiant has worked hard with representatives of Local 1224 to find areas of cooperation and compromise. Both sides have yielded from previously held positions in order to find an equitable deal for you and your families; one that recognizes the valuable contribution that you, our pilots, make towards Allegiant’s success.
Working with the union, we have settled many sections and narrowed our differences in other areas. For example, during our bargaining session in Washington, DC that ended last week, Allegiant and the union continued to make progress in the critical areas of compensation, insurance and retirement.
We remain hopeful for continued progress and cooperation with Local 1224. Our objective remains to reach an agreement with your union as soon as possible so that you can begin to enjoy the benefits of increased compensation along with the confidence and stability of a complete RLA contract. With that in mind, our most recent proposals are designed to deliver you real improvements and benefits. They include:
  • pay proposals that contain higher wages,
  • programs to bolster your retirement savings, and
  • progress in the areas of scheduling and productivity.
We were disappointed the Local 1224 negotiating committee chose not to respond in kind to most of our proposals at our recent session. Despite their signals to the contrary, we hope that they remain committed to making more progress during our next scheduled meetings on October 25-26 in Washington, D.C.
Finally as we work towards a final agreement, we will launch a unique website that we hope will be helpful to you – www.G4Pilots.com. This website will include:
  • timely updates and announcements about negotiations with Local 1224,
  • key facts about Allegiant’s proposals and what they mean for your wages, benefits and job security,
  • important background information about the key issues in the negotiations, and
  • more information about the overall bargaining process.
All of my communications to you about the negotiations with the union will be posted on the website, along with other useful tools and background information. You can also sign-up to receive news and updates when additional information is added to the website.
I will notify you when the website goes live. I hope you find it to be a useful resource.

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