Saturday 27 June 2015

12 Top-Rated Attractions in Selçuk and Ephesus

The ancient city of Ephesus is a major tourist attraction in Turkey and high on every traveller's list of things to see. Its dazzling marble-columned temples and colonnaded streets are every history buff's dream. There's plenty more to do in the vicinity once you've finished rambling through the ruins. Ephesus sits on the edge of the vibrant town of Selçuk which has long been a favourite stop for independent travellers. With a castle, excellent museum, Byzantine basilica and a Roman aqueduct running straight through the centre, this little town may be overshadowed by the mammoth ruin next door but has much to offer those who choose to spend a few days here.

1 Ephesus

Ephesus is one of Turkey's major sightseeing attractions. This vast and beautiful Greco-Roman city was once home to 250,000 people and the glorious monuments that remain point to it being a vibrant and rich metropolis. Supposedly founded by the Ionian prince Androclus in the 10th century BC, Ephesus was not only a centre of trade but a great pilgrimage centre with theTemple of Artemis built in worship of the mother goddess. During the Roman era the city continued to dazzle and it was only after the Goths destroyed the city in AD 263 that its importance began to wane. Don't miss the mammoth library (3rd largest in the ancient world), the well-preserved theatre and the Temple of Hadrian.
Address: Uǧur Mumcu Sevgi Yolu Caddesi, Selçuk

2 Ephesus Museum

Ephesus Museum
Ephesus Museum
After you've finished visiting Ephesus, head straight to this brilliant museum. Some of the best finds from the ancient city are on display including an exquisitely carved Artemis statue famous for its multi-breasted depiction of the goddess. The Gladiator Room, with exhibits of the finds from the gladiator cemetery excavation, is also worthwhile with information panels that explain gladiator life in the golden days of the city.
Address: Uǧur Mumcu Sevgi Yolu Caddesi, Selçuk

3 Basilica of St John

Basilica of St John
Basilica of St John
This citadel-like basilica once occupied the whole breadth of the hill it sits on and was ranked with the Hagia Sofia in Constantinople (now the Aya Sofya) as one of the Byzantine Empire's largest churches. According to tradition the grave of St John the Divine is under the church. Originally a mausoleum with a domed roof borne on four columns was built over the grave but the Emperor Justinian replaced this simple monument with a three-aisled basilica on a Latin-cross plan boasting six domed roofs. Including the narthex at the western end, and the arcaded courtyard, the basilica was 130 m long and 40 m wide. After the Seljuks captured Ephesus in 1130 the church was converted into a mosque, and later served as a bazaar until it was finally destroyed by an earthquake. Although only partially-restored the basilica ruins that remain give a good idea of the awesome size of the original building.
Address: St Jean Caddesi

4 Temple of Artemis

Temple of Artemis
Temple of Artemis
Just one lonely column (topped by a stork's nest) is all that remains of the Temple of Artemis, once one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Excavations carried out by archaeologist JT Wood here showed that the site was originally occupied by a stone platform on which the cult image of the goddess stood, while underneath were rooms where votive offerings were presented. The renowned gigantic marble temple of Seven Wonders fame was built in the 6th century BC and boasted a staggering 127 columns. Although destroyed by fire and other disasters across the centuries, it was twice restored and rebuilt before finally falling into a state of complete dilapidation in the Byzantine era when its stones began being used as a quarry for building material, including for Constantinople's Hagia Sophia (now the Aya Sofya) where some of its columns and marble slabs can still be seen.
Address: Off Dr Sabrı Yayla Bulvarı

5 Meryemana

Located 8 km from Ephesus, the Meryemana is a major tourist attraction and has a curious history. Tradition holds that the Virgin Mary journeyed to Ephesus with St John, and is said to have died here. The main building dates from the Byzantine era (6th century) but its association with the Virgin only began in the 19th century following the visions of the German nun, Katharina Emmerich who gave a precise description of the situation and appearance of a house at Ephesus in which she claimed the Virgin had lived and died. In 1891, on the basis of this account, a French priest discovered the ruins of a small church which had evidently belonged to a monastery and this is now revered as the Virgin's house. The chapel here is tiny and be aware that the site gets very crowded with tour bus groups. There is a small wishing well on site where it is customary to tie a piece of cloth and make a wish.

6 Ayasuluk Fortress

Ayasuluk Fortress
Ayasuluk Fortress
Ayasuluk Fortress sits on the hill high above Selçuk. This hilltop site has been settled since the Neolithic period but the fortress dates from the Byzantine era and the fortifications were extended by the Seljuks. The mighty enclosure wall had 15 rectangular towers. Within the walls are several remnants of houses and a small Seljuk mosque.

7 İsa Bey Mosque (İsa Bey Camii)

İsa Bey Mosque (İsa Bey Camii)
İsa Bey Mosque (İsa Bey Camii)
This Seljuk era mosque is a beautiful example of the fine architecture of the 14th century. Its tall outer walls enclose a large arcaded courtyard leading to a double-domed prayer hall. The large columns of black granite used in the structure were recycled from the Roman baths. Above the richly decorated main entrance there is an elaborate calligraphic inscription. Dated January 10 1375, it identifies Ali, son of Mushimish al-Damishki as the architect.
Address: St Jean Caddesi, Selçuk

8 Roman Aqueduct

Roman Aqueduct
Roman Aqueduct Neil and Kathy Carey
Running through the centre of Selçuk is this partly preserved Roman aqueduct, made all the more of a tourist attraction these days because of a number of stork nests built on top of it.
Address: Inönü Caddesi, Selçuk

9 Grotto of the Seven Sleepers

Approximately 2 km down a dirt trail from the Ephesus ruins, is this cave system that has an interesting local legend attached to it. Supposedly in AD 250 the Emperor Decius persecuted seven early Christians who then were sealed up by the emperor in this cave. Two hundred years later the Christians awoke to find the Roman world had become Christian and lived peacefully in Ephesus for the rest of their days. When they died they were buried back here in the cave and it became a pilgrimage centre. Today you can see some tombs in the cave.

10 Şirince

Sweet little Şirince is a picture-perfect village of red-roofed stone houses that cascade down a hill slope surrounded by dense forest. Located 8 km from Selçuk, it was a Greek village until the Population Exchange of the early 20th century when ethnic Turks shuttled here from Greece then took it over. Right up on the hill is the Church of St John the Baptist which has some severely-damaged frescoes.

11 Tire

If you're looking to sample rural Turkish life, the farming hamlet of Tire is a great place for a wander. The town, about 40 km from Selçuk, is renowned for its felt-making tradition and you can still see master felt craftsmen at work in the village. If you come here on a Tuesday you can also see Tire's famous market full of delicious local foodstuffs. On the way to Tire (near the turn-off for Tire 15 km northeast of Selçuk, close to the village of Belevi) is a burial mound and the remains of a monumental structure reminiscent of the Mausoleum of Halikarnassos. These remnants are thought to date from the 4th century BC and believed to be part of ancient Bonita. The sarcophagus found in the mausoleum is on display in the Ephesus Museum.

12 Pamucak Beach

Pamucak Beach
Pamucak Beach Josie McGraw
When you've had your fill of ancient ruins, this prime piece of sand, about 7 km from Selçuk, is the place to chill out and enjoy some sun and swimming. Pamucak Beach can get very busy on weekends so if possible leave your sunbathing for a weekday.

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