Saturday 27 June 2015

Tourist Attractions in Mardin

Mardın's history reads like a who's-who of conquest. The Assyrians, Arabs, Seljuk Dynasties, Kurdish, Persians, Mongols and Ottomans have all played a game of rule here. Today, this town of old stone houses spread out below a cliff ridge in a tumble of labyrinthine alleyways has become something of a tourism hot-spot. With its wealth of historic buildings (some now converted into boutique hotels), Mardın's timeless allure is attracting a brand new batch of visitors who soak up the cultural heritage by sightseeing rather than invading and conquering.

1 Zinciriye Medresesi

Zinciriye Medresesi
Zinciriye Medresesi
This old medrese (theological college) was founded in 1385 by İsa Bey, and is one of the best-preserved buildings in Mardin. The complex is comprised of a domed mosque, a mausoleum and two inner-courtyards. The architectural highlight of the building is the intricately decorated and imposing doorways. For those not so interested in stonework, there are incredible panoramic views from the rooftop that aren't to be missed.
Location: Cumhuriyet Caddesi

2 Kasımiye Medresesi

Kasımiye Medresesi
Kasımiye Medresesi
This 15th century medrese complex consists of a theological college and domed mosque. The entire complex has a very tranquil atmosphere with its buildings set around graceful courtyards. Upstairs you can explore the rooms where students once studied and lived while learning the Qur'an. There are gorgeous views across town from the rooftop.
Location: Off Cumhuriyet Caddesi

3 Forty Martyrs Church

Forty Martyrs Church
Forty Martyrs Church
This 4th century church still holds services every Sunday and can be visited throughout the rest of the week if you speak to the caretaker (who has the key). The interior is definitely worth seeing with its beautiful decoration. Above the entrance-way there are some intricate carvings commemorating Cappadocia's Christian martyrs (which the church is named after).
Location: Saǧlık Sokak

4 Mardın Museum

Mardın Museum
Mardın Museum
The collection here is small, but contains some beautiful artifacts from nearby archaeological sites including Assyrian and Bronze Age pottery. With its regal colonnades and grand courtyards, the building the museum is housed in is worth the entry price alone. This 19th century traditional stone villa has been restored to a very impressive standard, and walking through the finely styled rooms gives you a good idea of how local merchants and others high up in the echelons of Mardın society would have lived.
Location: Cumhuriyet Caddesi

5 Sakıp Sabancı City Museum

Mardın's former army barracks are now home to this extremely interesting museum, which traces the history of the town. All the exhibits have informative explanation panels and many use multi-media displays to bring history alive. There is also an art gallery with a program of exhibitions, and the museum often hosts other cultural events.
Location: Eski Hükümet Caddesi

6 Ulu Mosque

Ulu Mosque
Ulu Mosque
Tucked into the eastern edge of the bazaar neighbourhood is the Ulu Camii, built in the 11th century by the Artukid Dynasty. The building suffered badly during a Kurdish uprising in 1832 and has been partially restored. Beneath a prism-shaped dome supported by pillars lies a prayer room divided into three sections. The minaret, with its unique stone carvings, is the highlight of a visit here.
Location: Bazaar Area

7 Şehidiye Mosque

Şehidiye Mosque
Şehidiye Mosque
This 14th century mosque has an elegant, needle-like minaret. The slender tower is particularly notable landmark for its fine carvings, two balconies and three bulbs rising up from the top.
Location: Cumhuriyet Caddesi

8 Mardın Castle

Mardın Castle
Mardın Castle
Mardin Castle towers above town on a rocky crag. A steep path leads up to the fortress, starting from the Zinciriye Medresesi. Dating from the Roman era, the castle was extended in the 15th century so that all the inhabitants of Mardın would be able to seek refuge inside in the event of an impending attack. A relief carving of two magnificent lions can still be seen on the gateway.

9 Hasankeyf

About 110 km northeast of Mardın is the atmospheric village of Hasankeyf, cut in two by the Tigris River. The Romans established the town as a border post with the Persians and named it Cephe. Under Byzantine rule the town prospered, but its hey-day came to an end with the invasions of the Artukids, Ayyubids and later, the Mongols. Four arches sticking picturesquely out of the river are all that remain of the original grand bridge across the Tigris.
Up on the cliff ridge above (where you can get great photos of the river), the castle sits surrounded by cave dwellings. The Romans incarcerated the Parthian King Arshak here - tying him with silver chains to the stuffed corpse of his general Varsak until he died. A dam project has put Hasankeyf's future under threat since the 1990s and the opening of the dam is slated for 2015. If this does happen, some of Hasankeyf will disappear under water.

10 Deyrul Zafaran

Deyrul Zafaran
Deyrul Zafaran
This Syrian-Orthodox Christian monastery is 7 km east of Mardın. The Patriarch of the Syrian-Orthodox Church moved his residence here in 1160 when he and his followers were driven out of Antioch (modern Antakya). Dedicated to Ananias, the monastery complex contains threechurches, which adjoin the rear facade of the arcaded courtyard, all surrounded by high fortress-like walls. Don't miss the underground Sanctuary chamber and the chapel side-room with its 300-year-old wooden throne and floor mosaics.

11 Midyat

Midyat (60 km east of Mardın) has an atmospheric Old Town district that's ripe for exploring. The maze of alleyways is packed to the brim with lovely old stone houses, many with elaborately carved facade details. There are nine Syrian Orthodox churches in town including Mar Aznoyoand Mar Barsaume, although the majority of the Christian population who once lived here has now left.
Midyat is also a silversmith centre and small family-run jewellery workshops can be found throughout the town. Just outside town (16 km to the south) is MorGabriel Monastery - a 5th century monastery complex that consists of several churches and memorial chambers. The Empress Theodora is thought to have endowed the monastery with its rectangular dome.

12 Dara

The ancient Roman city of Dara is one of southeast Anatolia's hidden tourist attractions. The highlight of a visit here is seeing the extensive irrigation and aqueduct system. Excavations have uncovered huge towers used to store the water. The site is 40 km southeast of Mardın.

13 Tür Abdin Monasteries

Tür Abdin Monasteries
Tür Abdin Monasteries
Tür Abdin (Mountain of the Servants of God) is a highland region east of Mardın where there are several Syrian Orthodox churches. In the Byzantine era countless monasteries were established here, and by the medieval period the area was divided into four bishoprics with more than 80 monasteries. The decline of Tür Abdin's religious communities began with the pillaging raids of the Crusades. After WWI most of the Christian minorities who lived here were expelled fromTurkey after siding with the French who were trying to set themselves up as their protectors. Due to persecution more Christians emigrated during the 1970s. Today the region is still a homeland for Syrian-Orthodox Christians with several churches and monasteries that can be seen.

14 Savur

Savur is a miniature Mardın, with gorgeous stone house relics sitting around its own citadel. It's a peaceful place with nothing to do except wander the backstreets and admire the facades.

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